Customised & fully printed from 500 piecesCertified, sustainable materials

Fonts, lines & spacing

From product details to nutritional information: the text and fonts in your packaging design should be correctly formatted to help ensure a smooth printing process.

Inserting fonts and lines

To ensure that texts on your packaging are clearly legible, the font size should be at least 6 pt. This corresponds to 2.1 mm.

Please note that the respective font size depends on the font you have chosen. This means that different fonts may appear different in size despite the same point size.

Also make sure that you adhere to the minimum line size:

  • For dark lines on a light background, set the thickness to at least 0.25 points.

  • Light lines on a dark background should be at least 0.5 points thick.

Spacing to the bleeds

In your print template, we have marked the so-called ‘bleeding zones’ red-hatched. This area will be cut off during the production of your packaging.

Please make sure that your design and the White or bila-white layer (only for Toni & Martha) extend completely across this zone. If this is not the case, white edges may appear on the cut edges.

However, you should make sure that you do not place text or important graphics (such as EAN codes or quality seals) in this area, as they may be cut off. We therefore recommend that you place important design elements with a distance of 2 mm (stand-up pouches & flat pouches) or 2.5 mm (flat bottom pouches) to the trim edge.

Converting fonts to outlines

Unlike the images in your design, your fonts should never be embedded. Please avoid embedding fonts. Unfortunately, we cannot process files with embedded fonts.

Once you are done with your design, you should make sure that all fonts are converted to paths. This will ensure that fonts or font links do not go missing.

To convert the text fields in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign, proceed as follows:

  • select the text fields, go to ‘Font’ in the main menu, then click on ‘Convert to outlines’.

Important: This should be the last step before you upload the file in the account area and release it for printing. To be on the safe side, you can save a backup of your file before doing this. Remember: as soon as the texts have been converted into outlines, they can no longer be edited.

How do I convert my text into paths?

To avoid any problems when printing your pouches, it is important to convert all text blocks into paths once you have finished editing them. To convert text blocks into paths, select the corresponding text box using the select tool and then click on the menu item ‘Font’ and ‘Convert to outline’ (Windows: Shift + Ctrl + O / Mac: Shift + command + O). All text will now be converted into outlines and grouped.

All done?

  1. Is the font size at least 6 pt for all texts?

  2. Is the minimum line size adhered to?

  3. Do all design elements have sufficient distance to the bleeds?

  4. Are all fonts converted to outlines as your final step?