Climate protection concerns us all - and can be very easy: When you buy our paper packaging, you automatically help to reforest endangered forests. Together with our partner Eden Reforestation Projects, we plant a tree for every order in our shop! 🌳
13 million hectares. This is how much forest area disappears worldwide every year. The cause: settlement, agriculture, illegal felling and raw material extraction. This endangers the habitat of many people and animals. Sustainable afforestation of our forests is therefore vital and also protects our climate: trees filter the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it into vital oxygen through photosynthesis.
The non-profit organisation has been planting native trees in tropical areas together with the local population since 2004. To do this, Eden Reforestation Projects specifically works with people who live in regions affected by deforestation. The organisation employs the local population at a fixed salary, provides them with the technical knowledge and equips them with all the tools they need.
280 sustainable projects in 10 countries
> 977 million planted & protected trees
> 14,800 workers strengthened with fair wages
The organisation is active in the following countries worldwide:
Guatemala (planned for the future)
Of course, the production of our packaging also consumes resources. However, we try to minimise our environmental impact by:
a) sourcing our materials exclusively from FSC® certified forests, reclaimed materials and other controlled sources; and
b) Offsetting the production of our packaging by supporting environmental organisations such as Eden Reforestation Projects.
In addition to our commitment to planting new trees, we must of course also protect existing forest stands. For this reason, we only source the raw materials for our paper-based packaging from forest regions that have been certified by the international organisation Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®). In this way, we ensure that our paper-based packaging is produced in accordance with the principles of fair & environmentally friendly forest management. By the way: You can add the FSC® seal to your order and print it on your packaging with just two clicks.
Of course, you are welcome to communicate to your customers that your order contributes to the planting of trees. However, you are not allowed to use the Eden Reforestation Projects logo, as your purchase does not automatically make you a partner of the organisation.