The FSC® seal certifies the ecofriendly origin of materials and compliance with strictly controlled standards throughout the supply chain. We source our raw materials only from FSC® certified forest regions. This is how we ensure that our paper-based packaging is produced according to the principles of fair & environmentally friendly forest management.
The globally recognised organisation Forest Stewardship Council® is committed to the conservation of our forests and sustainable reforestation. The primary goal is to ensure environmental and social standards in the management of forest regions. By the way: As a packaging company, we have signed the declaration of principle that we are committed to the values of the FSC®. You are welcome to view this declaration at any time.
Fair working conditions
Strengthening the rights of indigenous peoples
Relations with the local population
Maintaining forest services
Avoidance of large-scale deforestation
Animal and plant protection
According to a recent study by the consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partner (2021), only 11% of consumers feel well informed about the sustainability of packaging. With Packiro you have the possibility to print the independent FSC® seal directly on your packaging! This makes your commitment more comprehensible to customers and strengthens your image - easily and without extra effort.
In our shop you can configure the seal directly with your packaging - you only pay a usage fee of 0,02€/piece.
Your purchase does not automatically make you a partner of the organisation - but of course you are welcome to communicate that the paper of your packaging comes from sustainable forestry. However, the seal must not be used.
Explanation: Since the FSC® certification and the terms FSC® and Forest Stewardship Council® are protected trademarks, you need your own advertising licence. If you have acquired this, any use of the logo must still be approved by the FSC®.
We are always happy to support you with communication. We have created a small guide for our paper-based materials. In it you will find all the important points and best practice examples for legally compliant and credible communication. Just get in touch with us!