Customised & fully printed from 500 piecesCertified, sustainable materials
K.R.A.K.E Logo
Rubbish collection with K.R.A.K.E.

Packaging for less waste & a clean nature

With our packaging solutions, we want to promote a circular economy, save resources and protect nature. But that's not all: with every order, we donate to the Eden Reforestation Projects (1 tree per order) and support the environmental organisation K.R.A.K.E. with €1! Find out more about the K.R.A.K.E. project now!

    Active contribution to environmental protection
    Strengthening your image
    Transparent & comprehensible for your customers

    Ideas and goals of the engagement

    Rubbish in nature? We clean up!

    Around a tonne of rubbish flows around in the Rhine every day - a gigantic amount! Not to mention the rubbish that lingers on green spaces like city parks & Co. Nature deserves better - that's why we fight against the daily flood of rubbish in the Rhine and on our green spaces! In cooperation with K.R.A.K.E., we are not only involved in clean-up campaigns, but also support the organisation in its daily work.

    Environmental protection has and needs many faces

    Since 2016, the K.R.A.K.E. (Kölner Rhein-Aufräum-Kommando-Einheit - Cologne Rhine Clean-up Squad Unit) has been aiming to get as many Cologne residents as possible involved in litter picking and to raise awareness of the problem of environmental pollution. With success! With over 300 members and a broad network of companies, several tonnes of rubbish are collected every year!

    How it works

    Every pouch counts

    Pack and clean up with our materials

    By purchasing our packaging, you automatically support the organisation in its work. For every order we receive in our shop, we support K.R.A.K.E. with a financial donation.

    Overview of recyclable packaging shapes from Packiro

    Here are questions & answers

    What happens to the waste after collection?

    After each clean-up campaign, the rubbish is collected by the Abfallwirtschaftsbetriebe Köln GmbH (AWB) and disposed of properly. Some materials can be recycled. If this is not the case, the waste must be thermally recycled, i.e. incinerated. As a packaging company, we can unfortunately only influence to a limited extent whether citizens throw their waste into nature or not.

    What we can do, however, is ensure that our packaging is designed to be completely recyclable, so that it can be reprocessed into high-quality recyclate after recycling. This means that the raw materials remain in the material cycle and can be used for new products. Of course, we have had the recyclability of our plastic packaging checked by the independent environmental and recycling service provider Interzero.

    For every order of our packaging, we donate an amount of 1 euro. In addition, we also support clean-up work ourselves and are sponsors of the "Rheinfalle".

    To learn more about the work of K.R.A.K.E. and how you can help, visit the organisation's official website at There you will find more information about their projects, events and ways to volunteer or donate.