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Packaging licensing: What to do?

Packaging licensing: What to do?

Before you sell your products, you have to license the packaging according to the German Packaging Act. But don't worry: you can easily do the licensing online. Together with our partner Lizenzero, we make it as easy as possible for you - and you save 5% of the costs.

    3 easy steps to your packaging licence

    1. registration
    Register your packaging with the Central Packaging Register (ZSVR) via the packaging register LUCID. You will receive a personal registration number.
    2. Licensing
    Enter your packaging quantities into the Lizenzero calculator. Your licence costs will be calculated and displayed automatically.
    3. Licence agreement obtained
    After ordering, you will receive your licence agreement by e-mail and can pass on your licence quantities to the LUCID register.

    Our partner Lizenzero

    Lizenzero Logo

    Lizenzero is the online shop of the dual system and recycling service provider Interseroh+. The shop solution digitalises the licensing process and makes it more intuitive for packaging manufacturers and retailers.

    As a Packiro customer, you save 5% on your licence fee at Lizenzero.

    Advantages of Lizenzero

    Calculation help
    For easy determination of the packaging weights
    Automatic quantity download
    Seal to embed on the website, + Certificate confirming your commitment
    On-demand customer account
    Time-saving self-administration of the contract and all documents.
    Automatic reminders
    ... of deadlines and changes so that you can focus on your real business.

    Background of the packaging licensing

    The licensing of packaging is regulated by the Packaging Act. Companies that sell packaged goods to end consumers should not only take responsibility for their product, but also for their packaging.

    In this case, responsibility means that manufacturers and retailers of packaging contribute to the costs of the disposal and recycling process of the packaging materials. This works through licensing with a dual system, which takes care of the organisation of these individual processes.

    Best prepared with our recyclable packaging

    The Packaging Act aims to create incentives as early as possible so that companies increasingly use environmentally friendly and recyclable packaging for their products. Accordingly, the calculation of licence fees is to be based on ecological criteria in the medium term. With our certified recyclable plastic packaging, you are well prepared for the future.